Quick quote of the day to keep you in a positive frame of mind…. Stop giving yourself a hard time for all you think you’re not, and start liking yourself for everything that you are. We can be so hard
Quick Quotes #2

Quick quote of the day to keep you in a positive frame of mind…. Stop giving yourself a hard time for all you think you’re not, and start liking yourself for everything that you are. We can be so hard
Quick quote of the day to keep you in a positive frame of mind…. Sometimes when it feels like things are falling apart they may actually be falling into place. This can be applied to many aspects of your life.
Explore the ways you can push out of your comfort zone There are so many different ways to get out and about to meet new and interesting people. First and foremost, don’t put any pressure on yourself that when you
Define what a good relationship means for you A good relationship can be defined by both partners respecting each other and their differences. They enjoy each other’s company and feel a sense of comfort, security and safety. They feel a
Learning to trust and go with your intuition is especially true when meeting the right partner for you. So how do we do this? First of all we can tune into our intuition by getting in touch with our bodies
Live the life you want to live The first and most important relationship you’ll ever have throughout your life is your relationship with yourself. How you feel and care for your own mind, body and spirit sets the stage for
This week I’m going to give some helpful info regarding relationships, and how hypnosis can help you in this area. If you’re single and actively looking but you just can’t find that special someone, there could be many factors working
There can be many reasons why kids don’t look forward to the new school year. For those who don’t enjoy school it can cause a huge increase in stress and anxiety at the prospect of having to go back for
The Bouncy Ball Technique (or to be technical – Bi-lateral Stimulation!) I call it the bouncy ball technique, just easier to say and remember! I share this technique with my stress management clients. It’s very simple but effective and all
Make 2017 the year you get rid of those unwanted pounds for good by changing your lifestyle… find out how hypnosis can help you lose weight. Lose the Holiday Weight in January! 6-Week Hypnosis for Weight Loss Course: $240 (weekly