A fear of speaking in public, glossophobia, is something that is shared by many. It’s currently estimated that 75% of the population suffer from this. The symptoms of which are many and range from feeling nervous, nauseous, having sweaty hands,
Do you suffer from one or more of the following? Sadness Unhappiness Depression Anxiety Panic Attacks Feeling Overwhelmed Moodiness Irritability Anger Loneliness If so, take comfort (if you can) in the knowledge that stress affects everyone, it’s a part of
Many of us actively seek to live our best lives, and to be the best we can be. But some of us have no idea where to begin to achieve this, and it usually involves one (or more) of the
We all have beliefs, opinions and goals that we want to achieve, with lots of different thoughts going through our minds. These thoughts are created by imprints. An imprint is orignated through hearing, seeing and feeling. It can be good
If you’re in the midst of de-cluttering your life but you’re finding things are just too much and getting on top of you, the key is to prioritize. Make lists of what needs to be done and when. That way
I’ve noticed with a number of my clients that any pain they have in their body disappears during and after the hypnosis session. They’re not coming to see me for pain relief but their pain goes away anyway. Whether it’s
Many people feel there’s something blocking them from creating wealth, something’s holding them back from taking opportunities to make money. They can also be stuck in a cycle of making money but then losing it, almost as if something’s sabotaging
Whatever it is we want, whether it’s physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual, we all want something. With regards to money, finances and wealth, we don’t all want the same thing; some only want enough to get by, some want to
You’re in control. We all go in and out of hypnosis every day. You’re in a state of deep relaxation and heightened suggestibility. Hypnosis can help with so many everyday issues; losing weight, fear of flying, passing exams, public speaking
Quick quote of the day to keep you in a positive frame of mind…. Make sure you don’t start seeing yourself through the eyes of those who don’t value you. Know your worth even if they don’t. Some people, because