Weight Loss Programlose weight

See how beneficial hypnosis can be to help you on your weight loss journey.

Hypnosis Vs Dieting

How many times have you tried the latest diet and stuck with it for a number of weeks or months? Some may even end up reaching their target weight and feel really good for a while. But then most of us start slipping back into our old habits… snacking between meals, eating more junk food, bored with your exercise routine, and before you know it, you’re not just back at the weight you started at but you’ve put on even more. It’s easy to do, a lot of us have been there, done that, many times over. So what’s the solution?

The truth is, for some people who have struggled for years trying to lose weight through conventional dieting, something else is needed to maintain the weight loss and keep the weight off for good. It’s a lifestyle change. And to do this you need to change what’s going on in your mind when it comes to diet and exercise. It’s a mindset, it’s a pattern, it’s a habit you’ve created over the years. So that’s where we need to tackle the problem, the mind. To be more specific, the subconscious mind. Through our conscious mind we think, make our decisions and solve problems, but it’s the subconscious mind which stores all of our memories, emotions and beliefs, therefore influencing our actions and feelings. When we’re in hypnosis we communicate directly with the subconscious mind. This is how we’re able to make lasting changes to our behavior, undo any of our unwanted habits and change our beliefs. Through the power of suggestion, changing your thoughts around your perceptions and bad habits concerning diet and exercise, you can make the necessary lifestyle changes needed to lose weight.

The more willing you are, the better the results
You have to be willing and really want to lose weight for good. But, most importantly, you need to have a belief in yourself that you can make the necessary changes needed to lose weight, and are ready for a lifestyle change. If this is the case, then hypnosis can work for you.

What are the benefits of hypnosis for weight loss?
On a subconscious level you will be able to change your eating habits and your beliefs around food. This will result in you making better choices, on a conscious level, regarding what foods you eat. You will be making life-long changes to your lifestyle compared to restricting yourself on a diet, which might be able to help you lose a lot of weight initially, but unless you’re really able to make a long-term commitment to this diet, then it won’t work, as you’re not getting to the route of the problem… which lies in your subconscious mind.

• It can get to the underlying issue of why you overeat/comfort eat and any unhealthy eating patterns.
• It can help remove/reduce any of the junk food you crave.
• It’ll help see yourself in a more forgiving, compassionate way. You’ll stop giving yourself such a hard time and learn to like yourself more.
• It’ll help you focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want, getting you into a more positive frame of mind.
• It can help you feel more confident about yourself, seeing yourself in a new light, giving you a new out look on life.
• It’ll help you feel better from the inside out.
• It’ll help you fit back into clothes you thought would never fit you again!
• You won’t be put on the latest ‘fad’ diet! It’s about making healthy choices when it comes to food, resulting in a balanced healthy diet.
• It’ll help you to eat the right amount for you and knowing when to stop.
• It’ll help you take up some form of exercise that you enjoy and can maintain.

This will all contribute to you feeling better about yourself and this in turn will affect all areas of your life in an amazing way!

What to expect:

• General info about hypnosis
• Discover the many benefits of hypnosis for weight loss
• Discover how hypnosis can help with steady weight loss compared to dieting
• Identify any issues you have around food and set goals for yourself
• Overcome any cravings/bad habits you have around food
• Help with stress management
• Help with boosting confidence and self esteem

For more information please get in touch here.

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