
Dazu Wheel of ReincarnationDo you believe you may have lived before?

Reincarnation is a subject that has fascinated many people for centuries. Memories from our past lives can lie deep in our subconscious mind, although we rarely remember them, but they can shape the person who we are today. The effects of a past life can manifest in our current life in many ways. Issues that appear suddenly, such as anxiety, depression and phobias, which can be difficult to treat. But it is possible, through hypnosis, to work through the issues we currently find ourselves dealing with in our present-day lives.

Past life regression can help to get to the root of a problem either in a past life or it could even be to an earlier time in your current life. Through regression, usingĀ guided visualization, we can go back and confront the problem, try to understand it and ultimately heal and forgive so you can move on from it in your present day life.

During a regression, you will first experience deep relaxation, which relaxes your mind and body, allowing your subconscious mind to come to the forefront. Then you are taken back to earlier periods in your life before we go on the journey to a previous life experience. A typical session can last between 1 1/2 to 2 hours. When you are regressed back, similarities can often appear which can be connected to your current life. When you recognise the common thread connecting your past life to your present life you can understand it, release it and then forgiveness and healing can take place. It can also bring about a deeper understanding of yourself and an acceptance of who you are. Through past life regression you become more aware, intuitive and creative as you connect with your past lives.

Some issues or problems can be helped with just one session, but for some, several sessions may be needed. Past life regression is of great interest for many and is something that can be continued over several weeks or months.

To schedule an appointment for a past life regression please go to our contact page.

Past Life Regression – how it can help to heal

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